3D Violence 2
3D Violence 2.iso
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Text File
42 lines
Title : Maxed Out
Filename : Maxout.MAP
Author : Shadowman
Email Address : denkoo@primenet.com
Misc. Author Info : New level from scratch. Used ideas from a Doom II level I created, but
most of it is new.
Description : Large map with three main rooms. A spacelike station, a mall-like area,
and a watery grave that joins them. Plenty of bad guys and ammo, I'm a
John Woo fan. Watch the ammo though, because you'll need it to finish
off the big boss at the end. Hint: Atomic healths are everywhere. Hide
in plain sight. Wink, wink.
Additional Credits to : Nobody, except my wife for putting up with me spending more time on my
computer than with her. Oh, this map is a long time coming, probably about
200+ hours on this thing. I'm a perfectionist, but this map isn't perfect.
* Play Information *
Single Player : Yes Level was primarily designed for single players like myself.
DukeMatch : Yes It's never been play tested, but I kept you guys in mind
while I made this. I guess 8 players, let me know?
Cooperative : Yes Save as above.
New Sounds : No
New Graphics : No
New Music : No Next one, maybe???
* Construction *
Base : New Level from scratch, based on a Doom II wad that I created, but never
released to public.
Editor(s) used : Build
Known Bugs : The only one I know of is that after you see the big boss at the end,
Submerging in water will kill you sometimes. My advise, save before
going underwater. If any one knows of a fix, let me know.
* Copyright / Permissions *
No copying please, I spent many hours developing and it would really urk
me if someone just stole this and called it their own. You understand.
* Where to find this level (if there are updates)*
Only here so far.